Muskoka Cup Baseball TNT Thunder Photos

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TNT Thunder baseball Alliston Ontario, boys rookie team in 2018 Muskoka Cup tournament

On the weekend (July 21) I had the opportunity to see some of the best Rookie ball players in the area play in the 2018 Muskoka Cup baseball tournament. This set of photos goes out to the TNT Thunder Rookie baseball team from Alliston Ontario. If you’re with any of the other baseball teams and would like to see your photos posted next then please get in touch to let me know.

It would be nice to see another TNT game this season but if I can’t do that then perhaps we might meet again during hockey season. If any of you have a game in Orillia-Oro, or end up in tournaments in Muskoka, then give me a shout as I’m often photographing hockey games in those areas.

In this sequence we have an infielder ready for a ball, scooping it up and making a throw to second base for a routine out:

I’m not sure what was going on here in the dugout – if you know then please tell me :-). It looks like the second baseman was doing some first aid or physio on the game MVP. What a good player for taking care of his teammate!

 TNT Thunder baseball Alliston, runner on base , 2018 Muskoka Cup tournament, boys rookie team 
TNT Thunder baseball Alliston, fielder, 2018 Muskoka Cup tournament, boys rookie team
TNT Thunder baseball Alliston, fielder, 2018 Muskoka Cup tournament, boys rookie team
I imagine not everyone likes to see this much dirt on a uniform but I’m always looking out for the ones who go beast-mode on their clothes. It shows that the boy plays hard on the field, and refreshes hard in the dugout too.

TNT Thunder baseball Alliston 2018 Muskoka Cup tournament, boys rookie team
TNT Thunder baseball Alliston, runner safe at home , 2018 Muskoka Cup tournament, boys rookie team
TNT Thunder baseball Alliston, making an out at second base, 2018 Muskoka Cup tournament, boys rookie team

After 6 weeks of hot temperatures and drought in Muskoka the infields were as dry and dusty as I’ve ever seen them. The thick dusk coming up wasn’t great for the cameras but it made some interesting atmosphere in a few shots and created nice clouds during slides into the bases.

Now, here are all the TNT photos from the game. Each photo is marked in a bottom corner with a file number which helps identify the image in the event anyone would like to request a large copy for printing.

In this TNT Thunder gallery page I have not disabled downloading of pictures or covered photos with watermarks to inhibit their use. The work was created for the team to enjoy, share and use free of charge. This was not a paid shoot but an entirely voluntary effort to create some nice work for you.

If you enjoy the photos and would like to show appreciation I would be grateful! Please go to the Contribute page to see how you can help support my work.

I’ve also added a “create your own review” button below, and a new testimonials page where you can leave a rating and review. I would greatly appreciate some input as it may help other local baseball families and teams notice the site and become aware of the photography and service available to them. Thank you! – Boyd Otter

The thumbnail grid below repeats all the same photographs seen in the gallery sections on the page, and is included here for those needing an alternate way to download and save their photos.

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Photographer Boyd Otter - Shooting For The Stars - Muskoka Photography
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  1. Min

    Thank you Boyd for doing these baseball photos. Each photo displays great effort, sportsmanship, team spirit and all out and out fun. The action and interaction is great.

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