Under the old subscription method subscribers received a notification (an email version of a post) every time a new post was made. It worked, but I’ve always wanted to implement a method that could be customized to serve you better – a way for you to subscribe to your specific areas of interest. Now you can!

You can still choose to subscribe to everything and now there is also the option to subscribe to specific categories.

You can easily change any of your selected interests and subscription preferences any time.

Mail volume: Even if all categories are selected, subscribers might receive one email a month and no more than one per week. Subscribers to a seasonal interest, such as hockey or baseball, might see periodic (weekly or monthly) updates while their activity is in season and then nothing for months during the off-season.

The emails are presented in newsletter form and will include a brief summary of recent posts relevant to your interests.

After subscribing please keep an eye on your spam folder. If you find your newsletters landing in a spam folder please mark them “not spam” as this will eventually teach your email filters to accept messages from Shooting For The Stars.


If you have any difficulty completing your subscription please let me know so I can help add or confirm your subscription manually.