Boy Jumping From Swing At Playground

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boy jumping from swing at playground

Shots like this photo of a boy flying through the air as he jumps from a playground swing are the reason I avoid shooting staged and posed photos! When we let kids be kids they can do the best job on their own at showing real energy and personality. I just have to be ready with the camera to catch them being themselves!

Landing in the sandy playground made for some hard landings – but now that Fall is here in Muskoka it’s the season to make the annual giant backyard leaf pile for more wild jumps, this time with softer landings. And that means more photos of the leaf jumping action will follow soon!

If you’re in the area (Gravenhurst-Bracebridge) and making a big leaf pile for some Fall fun this year too then please let me know. I’d be glad to come by and get some photos for you! I might even help rake, as long as I can jump in the leaves too! 😉

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